Create n Make ID Yahoo (How To)
After gave you four tricks making Unique Yahoo ID, It is time to add other unique Yahoo ID Trick in this blog. I plan to write at least 2 or 3 more Tutorial How to make unique Yahoo Messenger ID. Now I will give you a step to make Yahoo ID. Just like making yahoo cn, btinternet, y7mail, and 9you yahoo ID, making ID also need to find the correct url address registration page. Your name or company will be like Just follow link bellow to open registration ID Page:Click here to Create Yahoo ID
You will see a page of registration page look like this:
Just type your First Name and Your Last name in the box at att step 1 registration page. If you want to add your company name, you can type at the box below the last name, but it is only optional that mean it is not necessary. Click yellow button "continue" in the bottom right of registration page. Now you will see a page like this:
Fill the box need to filled. Your username, your password, and then continue to add verification code text. See the picture below:
Then just continue your step until your registration name or ID or username of Yahoo ID finished. Enjoy your new ID.
End of Trick
If you have any problem in making id contact me